Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Building Blocks of Heroism

        Let me begin by stating that I am a Hypocrite! If you scroll down to my previous post and skim over the content about not using tools the Lord has given me, then check the date in which it was written - you'll then see why the previous is true. As a matter of fact, since the last post, I had all but forgotten that I even "owned" a blog, let alone utilized it.  To make excuses, I have been too caught up in all the joys spring brings (calves,green grass and a BABY on the way). It was not until this week that I had a request for the link to access this page that I had even remembered it existed. I must admit at this point that those circumstances in which that request was made are the reason for this post.

           This week we will once again lay one of my hero's to rest. As I thought about his life and the affect it had on my own and most likely others, over the last couple of days I begin to notice how different my views of a hero are today than what they were as a child. As most kids growing up in the presence of a TV, A hero took on the character of someone who was never defeated, had strength beyond belief and sometimes wore a cape. Its this mindset that I think sometimes spills over into adulthood and causes men to want to pull their selves up by their boot straps, never show emotion and most certainly hide all fears. If you step back and compare these attributes to what the Lord so clearly defines as a Godly man, none of these are listed.  So how is it that my idea of a Hero went from being a Superman like figure to a persona such as a feeble man with a wrench in his hand?

            There is a point in which you realize that the will of a man is nothing, the Will of the Lord carried out by the man is everything. For me, it was the first time I really listened to him pray! If there is one thing I will miss most about this man, it is the faithfulness, honesty and humbleness that was in every prayer, and was never rehearsed! As a Christian child growing up, it was one of the duties of my parents to teach me how to pray, and they did. However, it seems like we all fall into a "rut" or "routine" from time to time when praying, essentially saying the same thing in the same tone and format day in and day out. Its as if we make this privilege a laborious task. This is one thing I cant say about him. There was no script to his prayer nor was their fancy rhythm, rhyme or a certain number of "Father God's" thrown in meet general "prayer requirements" Nope, he expressed the needs of his fellow Christians and himself in an honest and humble format without sugar coating.
            ----- As I'm writing this, I reminded about a story I read of girl who wanted her own "prayer language" that only she and God could understand. Still to this day, I ask why even make that request of  God? He has given each of us a language suitable to Him - be satisfied with it!! Truth is, it has nothing to do with language when praying! It is the condition of your heart in which we bring our request and praises to the Lord. Humble Ourselves and be honest with God verses fitting a format. He knows how many hairs are on my head and he knows my heart even before I pray, so why not be honest, faithful and humble? ----- (I'm done with my rant)
              So why do I look at him as a hero? Can you in vision a man who has for years been challenged with health issues, had numerous surgeries, had more broken ribs than you can count and endured pain that those around him probably will never know the likes of --- and still bowed down to the Lord our God, never once blaming Him for these afflictions nor making excuses for them. He persevered not by his own strength but his by Faith in a crucified and risen Lord. He knew the Lord was bigger than the hurdles he had to jump and that's why I believe wholeheartedly that he prayed the way he did. The fact the he knew who he was and he had faith in who the Lord is allowed him be humble and honest with himself, those around him and God. Thus in my mind as I see it today, FAITH,LOVE, HONESTY and HUMBLENESS are the building blocks of a True Godly Hero and its my prayer the God will use the lives of men such as him to inspire generations to come, in order to fulfill the Will of the Lord!

God Bless!!

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