I want to go to Heaven because...
- there is no pain or suffering.
- its the "finish line" to my goal.
- its paradise.
- I want to be reunited with friends and family already gone on.
- its a "mystical land" - amusement park of sorts, never rains out the rides.
- I want to see God.
I think most would agree that you probably recited at least one of these in your mind. I'm guilty as well. But, as I read the book of Revelation - which is the account of an vision of Heaven given to John, as well as letters to seven churches addressed from Christ Himself - there is a noticeable repetition of events that reveal themselves. Time and again, John views people worshiping God and giving praise to Him. Several times through the text we see the phrase,"and they fell down and worshiped."(5:11-14,7:11-12,). After reading this over and over, I've come to the conclusion that if I love my Savior to the degree which He deserves, the weather in Heaven is meaningless. Furthermore, If I am reunited with family and friends, let us be there together in worship to Him. I should want nothing more/nothing less than to be able to fall down and worship. " Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and honor and glory and blessing!''(5:12).
Since He has allowed my mindset to change from an personal accomplishment to an glorious opportunity, I have noticed a difference in how I valued my Christ and His duty on the cross. I find myself taken back - often to tears -knowing that He died not only to save from the depths of hell (which I deserve) but to give me an opportunity to praise my creator forever and ever! Its also at this point when I realize that He is growing (further occupying) within me. This leads me to the next realization that He has allowed me to decrease in order for Him to increase. Humbling is an understatement when searching for adjectives!!
To tie all this together, lets, as Christians strive to be with our God, to praise Him and to glorify Him, rather that to take the selfish road of wanting to chill in paradise! Every knee will bow!!
Hope this provoked some thought..
God Bless!!!
Great job!! Just get me in the presence of the Lord and that'll be good enough for me.